h-you / branches / ddl / 20180411_SQL.txt @ 356
履歴 | 表示 | アノテート | ダウンロード (4.13 KB)
1 |
-- ????i?????t?f?[?^ |
2 |
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS constructionprogressdate_OLD; |
3 |
4 |
CREATE TABLE constructionprogressdate_OLD As |
5 |
Select |
6 |
* |
7 |
from |
8 |
constructionprogressdate; |
9 |
10 |
drop table if exists constructionprogressdate cascade; |
11 |
12 |
create table constructionprogressdate( |
13 |
ConstructionCode decimal (10, 0) not null comment '?H?????' |
14 |
, ConstructionStatusFlg decimal (2, 0) not null comment '???H?????' |
15 |
, PreviousStatusFlg decimal (2, 0) comment '??X?O???' |
16 |
, ChangeDate datetime not null comment '?????t' |
17 |
, ChangePersonCode decimal (8, 0) not null comment '???S????' |
18 |
, EntryDate datetime not null comment '?o?^???t' |
19 |
, UpdateDate datetime not null comment '?X?V???t' |
20 |
, constraint constructionprogressdate_PKC primary key (ConstructionCode, ChangeDate) |
21 |
) comment '????i?????t?f?[?^'; |
22 |
23 |
create index ConstrProg_Index1 |
24 |
on constructionprogressdate(ConstructionCode); |
25 |
26 |
create index ConstrProg_Index2 |
27 |
on constructionprogressdate(ConstructionStatusFlg); |
28 |
29 |
create index ConstrProg_Index3 |
30 |
on constructionprogressdate(ChangeDate); |
31 |
32 |
Insert |
33 |
INTO constructionprogressdate |
34 |
Select |
35 |
* |
36 |
from |
37 |
constructionprogressdate_OLD; |
38 |
39 |
-- ?H???????o??f?[?^ |
40 |
drop table if exists ConstrLedgerExpenses cascade; |
41 |
42 |
create table ConstrLedgerExpenses ( |
43 |
ConstructionCode decimal(10,0) unsigned not null comment '?H???R?[?h' |
44 |
, SeqNo decimal(5,0) not null comment '?}??' |
45 |
, NameCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?o??R?[?h' |
46 |
, ExpensesRaito decimal(4,2) not null comment '?o??' |
47 |
, ExpensesValue decimal(10,0) not null comment '?o????z' |
48 |
, EntryDate datetime not null comment '?o?^???t' |
49 |
, UpdateDate datetime not null comment '?X?V???t' |
50 |
, constraint ConstrLedgerExpenses_PKC primary key (ConstructionCode, SeqNo, NameCode) |
51 |
) comment '?H???????o??f?[?^' ; |
52 |
53 |
create index ConstrLedgerExpenses_Index1 |
54 |
on ConstrLedgerExpenses(ConstructionCode); |
55 |
56 |
create index ConstrLedgerExpenses_Index2 |
57 |
on ConstrLedgerExpenses(SeqNo); |
58 |
59 |
create index ConstrLedgerExpenses_Index3 |
60 |
on ConstrLedgerExpenses(NameCode); |
61 |
62 |
Insert |
63 |
INTO constrledgerexpenses |
64 |
select |
65 |
A.ConstructionCode |
66 |
, 1 |
67 |
, A.ComponentCode |
68 |
, A.AmountConfigRate |
69 |
, A.ExecutionAmount |
70 |
, A.EntryDate |
71 |
, A.UpdateDate |
72 |
from |
73 |
constructionledgerdetail As A |
74 |
where |
75 |
A.GroupCount = 1 |
76 |
And A.ComponentCode = 3; |
77 |
78 |
Insert |
79 |
INTO constrledgerexpenses |
80 |
select |
81 |
A.ConstructionCode |
82 |
, 2 |
83 |
, A.ComponentCode |
84 |
, A.AmountConfigRate |
85 |
, A.ExecutionAmount |
86 |
, A.EntryDate |
87 |
, A.UpdateDate |
88 |
from |
89 |
constructionledgerdetail As A |
90 |
where |
91 |
A.GroupCount = 1 |
92 |
And A.ComponentCode = 1; |
93 |
94 |
Insert |
95 |
INTO constrledgerexpenses |
96 |
select |
97 |
A.ConstructionCode |
98 |
, 3 |
99 |
, A.ComponentCode |
100 |
, A.AmountConfigRate |
101 |
, A.ExecutionAmount |
102 |
, A.EntryDate |
103 |
, A.UpdateDate |
104 |
from |
105 |
constructionledgerdetail As A |
106 |
where |
107 |
A.GroupCount = 1 |
108 |
And A.ComponentCode = 2; |
109 |
110 |
111 |
-- ?????o???}?X?^ |
112 |
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS departmentexpensesmaster_OLD; |
113 |
114 |
CREATE TABLE departmentexpensesmaster_OLD As |
115 |
Select |
116 |
* |
117 |
from |
118 |
departmentexpensesmaster; |
119 |
120 |
drop table if exists departmentexpensesmaster cascade; |
121 |
122 |
create table departmentexpensesmaster ( |
123 |
DepartmentCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?????R?[?h' |
124 |
, ExpensesPeriod smallint(6) not null comment '?????' |
125 |
, NameCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?o??R?[?h' |
126 |
, NameString varchar(100) not null comment '????' |
127 |
, DisplayOrder decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?\????' |
128 |
, ExpensesRaito decimal(4,2) not null comment '?o??' |
129 |
, DeleteFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '???t???O' |
130 |
, EntryDate datetime not null comment '?o?^???t' |
131 |
, UpdateDate datetime not null comment '?X?V???t' |
132 |
, constraint departmentexpensesmaster_PKC primary key (DepartmentCode,ExpensesPeriod,NameCode) |
133 |
) comment '?????o???}?X?^' ; |
134 |
135 |
Insert |
136 |
INTO departmentexpensesmaster |
137 |
select |
138 |
A.DepartmentCode |
139 |
, A.ExpensesPeriod |
140 |
, A.NameCode |
141 |
, B.NameString |
142 |
, A.DisplayOrder |
143 |
, A.ExpensesRaito |
144 |
, A.DeleteFlg |
145 |
, A.EntryDate |
146 |
, A.UpdateDate |
147 |
from |
148 |
departmentexpensesmaster_OLD As A |
149 |
LEFT JOIN divisionmaster AS B |
150 |
ON B.DivisionCode = 3 |
151 |
And B.NameCode = A.NameCode; |
152 |
153 |
commit; |