リビジョン 373
branches/ddl/20171003_SQL.txt | ||
1 |
-- ?H???????? |
2 |
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS constructionmaterialinfo_OLD; |
3 |
CREATE TABLE constructionmaterialinfo_OLD As Select * from constructionmaterialinfo ; |
4 |
5 |
drop table if exists constructionmaterialinfo cascade; |
6 |
7 |
create table constructionmaterialinfo ( |
8 |
CONSTRUCTIONCODE int(10) unsigned default 0 not null comment '?H?????' |
9 |
, MATERIALITEMCODE smallint(5) unsigned default 0 not null comment '????i??R?[?h' |
10 |
, PROCESSDATE datetime comment '?????N????' |
11 |
, RENTCOUNT smallint(5) unsigned comment '??o??' |
12 |
, REPAYCOUNT smallint(5) unsigned comment '??p??' |
13 |
, JUNKCOUNT smallint(5) unsigned comment '?j????' |
14 |
, COMPLETEFLG tinyint(3) unsigned comment '?????t???O' |
15 |
, ENTRYDATE datetime comment '?o?^???t' |
16 |
, UPDATEDATE datetime comment '?X?V???t' |
17 |
, constraint constructionmaterialinfo_PKC primary key (CONSTRUCTIONCODE,MATERIALITEMCODE,PROCESSDATE) |
18 |
) comment '?H????????' ; |
19 |
20 |
Insert INTO constructionmaterialinfo |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
, 0 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
FROM constructionmaterialinfo_OLD |
32 |
; |
33 |
commit; |
branches/ddl/20171211_SQL.txt | ||
1 |
-- ?H??????????f?[?^ |
2 |
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS constructionledgerdetail_OLD; |
3 |
CREATE TABLE constructionledgerdetail_OLD As Select * from constructionledgerdetail; |
4 |
5 |
drop table if exists constructionledgerdetail cascade; |
6 |
7 |
create table constructionledgerdetail ( |
8 |
ConstructionCode decimal(10,0) unsigned not null comment '?H???R?[?h' |
9 |
, GroupCount decimal(2,0) unsigned not null comment '?O???[?v???' |
10 |
, LineCount decimal(4,0) unsigned not null comment '?s???' |
11 |
, ComponentCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?\???L?[' |
12 |
, ItemCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?H??L?[' |
13 |
, FirstString varchar(120) comment '???????' |
14 |
, SecondString varchar(120) comment '?H?????e' |
15 |
, CompanyType decimal(1,0) not null comment '??????R?[?h?^?C?v' |
16 |
, CompanyCode decimal(8,0) not null comment '??????R?[?h' |
17 |
, CompanyName varchar(120) comment '?????????' |
18 |
, EstimatePrice decimal(12,0) not null comment '?\?Z?i????j???z' |
19 |
, ExecutionAmount decimal(12,0) not null comment '???s???z' |
20 |
, AmountConfigRate decimal(5,2) not null comment '???z?\????' |
21 |
, PaymentBurden decimal(12,0) not null comment '?x????U?z' |
22 |
, FixDataFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '???f?[?^?t???O' |
23 |
, IndependentFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '????f?[?^?t???O' |
24 |
, FluctuationFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '?????f?[?^?t???O' |
25 |
, SalaryFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '???^?U????' |
26 |
, SalaryDays decimal(4,0) not null comment '???^?U??????' |
27 |
, OperatingFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '?S?????t???O' |
28 |
, SourceCode decimal(10,0) unsigned not null comment '???H?????' |
29 |
, JoinTitleFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '?H??????^?C?g??' |
30 |
, SalaryOnRegist decimal(12,0) not null comment '?o?^?????z???^' |
31 |
, PurchaseOrderFlg decimal(2,0) not null comment '?????????s?t???O' |
32 |
, DetailCount decimal(4,0) unsigned not null comment '??????' |
33 |
, EntryDate datetime not null comment '?o?^???t' |
34 |
, UpdateDate datetime not null comment '?X?V???t' |
35 |
, constraint constructionledgerdetail_PKC primary key (ConstructionCode,GroupCount,LineCount) |
36 |
) comment '?H??????????f?[?^' ; |
37 |
38 |
create index LedgerDetail_Index01 |
39 |
on constructionledgerdetail(ConstructionCode); |
40 |
41 |
create index LedgerDetail_Index02 |
42 |
on constructionledgerdetail(GroupCount); |
43 |
44 |
create index LedgerDetail_Index03 |
45 |
on constructionledgerdetail(LineCount); |
46 |
47 |
create index LedgerDetail_Index04 |
48 |
on constructionledgerdetail(SourceCode); |
49 |
50 |
create index LedgerDetail_Index05 |
51 |
on constructionledgerdetail(DetailCount); |
52 |
53 |
Insert INTO constructionledgerdetail |
54 |
55 |
ConstructionCode |
56 |
, GroupCount |
57 |
, LineCount |
58 |
, ComponentCode |
59 |
, ItemCode |
60 |
, FirstString |
61 |
, SecondString |
62 |
, CompanyType |
63 |
, CompanyCode |
64 |
, CompanyName |
65 |
, EstimatePrice |
66 |
, ExecutionAmount |
67 |
, AmountConfigRate |
68 |
, PaymentBurden |
69 |
, FixDataFlg |
70 |
, IndependentFlg |
71 |
, FluctuationFlg |
72 |
, SalaryFlg |
73 |
, SalaryDays |
74 |
, OperatingFlg |
75 |
, SourceCode |
76 |
, JoinTitleFlg |
77 |
, SalaryOnRegist |
78 |
, PurchaseOrderFlg |
79 |
, 0 |
80 |
, EntryDate |
81 |
, UpdateDate |
82 |
FROM constructionledgerdetail_OLD |
83 |
; |
84 |
85 |
ALTER TABLE purchaseorderdetail |
86 |
CHANGE SourceCode SourceCode decimal(10,0) unsigned not null |
87 |
COMMENT '???H?????'; |
88 |
ALTER TABLE purchaseorderdetail |
89 |
CHANGE SourceLineCnt SourceDetailCnt decimal(4,0) unsigned not null |
90 |
COMMENT '????????'; |
91 |
92 |
ALTER TABLE constructionledgerexcute |
93 |
CHANGE LineCount LineCount decimal(4,0) unsigned not null |
94 |
comment '?s???'; |
95 |
96 |
Truncate table paymentapprovalinfo; |
97 |
Truncate table paymentdatadetail; |
98 |
Truncate table billingdata; |
99 |
Truncate table billingdatadetail; |
100 |
Truncate table billingpaymentsummary; |
101 |
commit; |
102 |
branches/ddl/20171130_SQL.txt | ||
1 |
-- ?H??????????f?[?^ |
2 |
drop table if exists PeriodAvoidance cascade; |
3 |
4 |
create table PeriodAvoidance ( |
5 |
ConstructionCode decimal(10,0) unsigned not null comment '?H???R?[?h' |
6 |
, ConstructionStatusFlg decimal(2,0) not null comment '?H?????t???O' |
7 |
, FieldNo decimal(2,0) not null comment '?`?F?b?N???t?B?[???h???' |
8 |
, EntryDate datetime not null comment '?o?^???t' |
9 |
, UpdateDate datetime not null comment '?X?V???t' |
10 |
, constraint PeriodAvoidance_PKC primary key (ConstructionCode,ConstructionStatusFlg,FieldNo) |
11 |
) comment '?H??????????f?[?^' ; |
12 |
13 |
create index PeriodAvoidance_Index1 |
14 |
on PeriodAvoidance(ConstructionCode); |
15 |
16 |
create index PeriodAvoidance_Index2 |
17 |
on PeriodAvoidance(ConstructionStatusFlg); |
18 |
19 |
create index PeriodAvoidance_Index3 |
20 |
on PeriodAvoidance(FieldNo); |
21 |
branches/ddl/20180203_SQL.txt | ||
1 |
-- ?x??????f?[?^ |
2 |
create index PayDataDetail_Index1 |
3 |
on paymentdatadetail(TARGETDATE); |
4 |
create index PayDataDetail_Index2 |
5 |
on paymentdatadetail(APPROVALPERSONCODE); |
branches/ddl/20171221_SQL.txt | ||
1 |
-- ?H????{??? |
2 |
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS constructionbaseinfo_OLD; |
3 |
CREATE TABLE constructionbaseinfo_OLD As Select * from constructionbaseinfo; |
4 |
5 |
drop table if exists constructionbaseinfo cascade; |
6 |
7 |
create table constructionbaseinfo ( |
8 |
ConstructionCode decimal(10,0) unsigned not null comment '?H???R?[?h' |
9 |
, TyingFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '?R?t?f?[?^?t???O' |
10 |
, JoinFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '?????_??H???t???O' |
11 |
, ConstructionYear smallint(5) unsigned not null comment '?H???N?x' |
12 |
, ConstructionPeriod smallint(5) unsigned not null comment '?H??????' |
13 |
, RequestedDate date comment '??????' |
14 |
, EstimatesSubmitDeadline date comment '?????o????' |
15 |
, EstimatesSubmittedDate date comment '?????o??' |
16 |
, ProvisionalOrderDate date comment '?????' |
17 |
, OrderDate date comment '???' |
18 |
, OrderStartingDate date comment '?J?n?\???' |
19 |
, OrderCompletionDate date comment '?????\???' |
20 |
, PreparationStartDate date comment '?{?H?????J?n??' |
21 |
, ConstructionStartingDate date comment '?{?H?J?n??' |
22 |
, ConstructionCompletionDate date comment '?{?H??????' |
23 |
, NonOrderDate date comment '????' |
24 |
, OrdersDecisionPrice decimal(12,0) not null comment '??????????z' |
25 |
, OrdersDecisionPriceInTax decimal(12,0) not null comment '??????????z' |
26 |
, SalesPersonCode decimal(8,0) comment '?c??S?????' |
27 |
, ConstructionPersonCode decimal(8,0) not null comment '?H???S????' |
28 |
, ConstrSubPersonCode decimal(8,0) not null comment '?H?????S????' |
29 |
, ConstructionInstructor decimal(8,0) not null comment '?H???w????' |
30 |
, TransferConstruction decimal(8,0) not null comment '?H??????R?[?h' |
31 |
, TransferConstructionDate date comment '?H??????' |
32 |
, OrderersDivision decimal(5,0) not null comment '???????' |
33 |
, OrderersCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '??????R?[?h' |
34 |
, EstimatesExpirationDate date comment '????L??????' |
35 |
, ConstructionPeriodStart date comment '?_??H???J?n??' |
36 |
, ConstructionPeriodEnd date comment '?_??H??????' |
37 |
, ConstructionPeriodStart2 date comment '?_??H???J?n?i???????j' |
38 |
, ConstructionPeriodEnd2 date comment '?_??H???????i???????j' |
39 |
, StartDate date comment '?H???J?n??' |
40 |
, EndDate date comment '?H???I????' |
41 |
, PurchaseOrderMailingDate date comment '???????X????' |
42 |
, PurchaseOrderReturnDate date comment '???????????' |
43 |
, PurchaseOrderReturnCheckDate date comment '??????????m?F??' |
44 |
, ConsumptionTaxFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '?????t???O' |
45 |
, PrimeContractorFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '?????t???O' |
46 |
, SalesCostFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '?c??o?????t???O' |
47 |
, ConstructionStatusFlg decimal(2,0) not null comment '?H?????t???O' |
48 |
, ConstructionType decimal(5,0) not null comment '?H?????R?[?h' |
49 |
, EstimateType decimal(1,0) not null comment '??????' |
50 |
, BillingStartDate date not null comment '?????????J?n??' |
51 |
, BillingDate date not null comment '??????' |
52 |
, BillingSplitFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '??????t???O' |
53 |
, BillingSendDate date comment '???????X??/??n????' |
54 |
, LedgerComplateDate date not null comment '?H????????????????t' |
55 |
, InspectPlanningDate date not null comment '?????\???' |
56 |
, InspectExecuteDate date not null comment '???????s??' |
57 |
, RevCompleteDate date not null comment '??????????????' |
58 |
, EntryDate datetime not null comment '?o?^???t' |
59 |
, UpdateDate datetime not null comment '?X?V???t' |
60 |
, constraint constructionbaseinfo_PKC primary key (ConstructionCode) |
61 |
) comment '?H????{???' ; |
62 |
63 |
create index BaseInfo_Index1 |
64 |
on constructionbaseinfo(ConstructionStatusFlg); |
65 |
66 |
create index BaseInfo_Index2 |
67 |
on constructionbaseinfo(EstimateType); |
68 |
69 |
create index BaseInfo_Index3 |
70 |
on constructionbaseinfo(SalesPersonCode); |
71 |
72 |
create index BaseInfo_Index4 |
73 |
on constructionbaseinfo(ConstructionPersonCode); |
74 |
75 |
create index BaseInfo_Index5 |
76 |
on constructionbaseinfo(ConstructionInstructor); |
77 |
78 |
create index BaseInfo_Index6 |
79 |
on constructionbaseinfo(ConstructionPeriod); |
80 |
81 |
Insert INTO constructionbaseinfo |
82 |
83 |
ConstructionCode |
84 |
, TyingFlg |
85 |
, JoinFlg |
86 |
, ConstructionYear |
87 |
, ConstructionPeriod |
88 |
, RequestedDate |
89 |
, EstimatesSubmitDeadline |
90 |
, EstimatesSubmittedDate |
91 |
, ProvisionalOrderDate |
92 |
, OrderDate |
93 |
, OrderStartingDate |
94 |
, OrderCompletionDate |
95 |
, PreparationStartDate |
96 |
, ConstructionStartingDate |
97 |
, ConstructionCompletionDate |
98 |
, NonOrderDate |
99 |
, OrdersDecisionPrice |
100 |
, OrdersDecisionPriceInTax |
101 |
, SalesPersonCode |
102 |
, ConstructionPersonCode |
103 |
, ConstrSubPersonCode |
104 |
, ConstructionInstructor |
105 |
, TransferConstruction |
106 |
, TransferConstructionDate |
107 |
, OrderersDivision |
108 |
, OrderersCode |
109 |
, EstimatesExpirationDate |
110 |
, ConstructionPeriodStart |
111 |
, ConstructionPeriodEnd |
112 |
, ConstructionPeriodStart2 |
113 |
, ConstructionPeriodEnd2 |
114 |
, StartDate |
115 |
, EndDate |
116 |
, PurchaseOrderMailingDate |
117 |
, PurchaseOrderReturnDate |
118 |
, PurchaseOrderReturnCheckDate |
119 |
, ConsumptionTaxFlg |
120 |
, PrimeContractorFlg |
121 |
, SalesCostFlg |
122 |
, ConstructionStatusFlg |
123 |
, ConstructionType |
124 |
, EstimateType |
125 |
, BillingStartDate |
126 |
, BillingDate |
127 |
, BillingSplitFlg |
128 |
, BillingSendDate |
129 |
, LedgerComplateDate |
130 |
, STR_TO_DATE('0001/01/01', '%Y/%m/%d') |
131 |
, STR_TO_DATE('0001/01/01', '%Y/%m/%d') |
132 |
, STR_TO_DATE('0001/01/01', '%Y/%m/%d') |
133 |
, EntryDate |
134 |
, UpdateDate |
135 |
FROM constructionbaseinfo_OLD |
136 |
; |
137 |
138 |
-- ?H????{???? |
139 |
ALTER TABLE constructionbaseinfodetail |
140 |
CHANGE DetailString DetailString |
141 |
varchar(300) |
142 |
comment '??????e'; |
143 |
commit; |
branches/ddl/20180411_SQL.txt | ||
1 |
-- ????i?????t?f?[?^ |
2 |
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS constructionprogressdate_OLD; |
3 |
4 |
CREATE TABLE constructionprogressdate_OLD As |
5 |
Select |
6 |
* |
7 |
from |
8 |
constructionprogressdate; |
9 |
10 |
drop table if exists constructionprogressdate cascade; |
11 |
12 |
create table constructionprogressdate( |
13 |
ConstructionCode decimal (10, 0) not null comment '?H?????' |
14 |
, ConstructionStatusFlg decimal (2, 0) not null comment '???H?????' |
15 |
, PreviousStatusFlg decimal (2, 0) comment '??X?O???' |
16 |
, ChangeDate datetime not null comment '?????t' |
17 |
, ChangePersonCode decimal (8, 0) not null comment '???S????' |
18 |
, EntryDate datetime not null comment '?o?^???t' |
19 |
, UpdateDate datetime not null comment '?X?V???t' |
20 |
, constraint constructionprogressdate_PKC primary key (ConstructionCode, ChangeDate) |
21 |
) comment '????i?????t?f?[?^'; |
22 |
23 |
create index ConstrProg_Index1 |
24 |
on constructionprogressdate(ConstructionCode); |
25 |
26 |
create index ConstrProg_Index2 |
27 |
on constructionprogressdate(ConstructionStatusFlg); |
28 |
29 |
create index ConstrProg_Index3 |
30 |
on constructionprogressdate(ChangeDate); |
31 |
32 |
Insert |
33 |
INTO constructionprogressdate |
34 |
Select |
35 |
* |
36 |
from |
37 |
constructionprogressdate_OLD; |
38 |
39 |
-- ?H???????o??f?[?^ |
40 |
drop table if exists ConstrLedgerExpenses cascade; |
41 |
42 |
create table ConstrLedgerExpenses ( |
43 |
ConstructionCode decimal(10,0) unsigned not null comment '?H???R?[?h' |
44 |
, SeqNo decimal(5,0) not null comment '?}??' |
45 |
, NameCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?o??R?[?h' |
46 |
, ExpensesRaito decimal(4,2) not null comment '?o??' |
47 |
, ExpensesValue decimal(10,0) not null comment '?o????z' |
48 |
, EntryDate datetime not null comment '?o?^???t' |
49 |
, UpdateDate datetime not null comment '?X?V???t' |
50 |
, constraint ConstrLedgerExpenses_PKC primary key (ConstructionCode, SeqNo, NameCode) |
51 |
) comment '?H???????o??f?[?^' ; |
52 |
53 |
create index ConstrLedgerExpenses_Index1 |
54 |
on ConstrLedgerExpenses(ConstructionCode); |
55 |
56 |
create index ConstrLedgerExpenses_Index2 |
57 |
on ConstrLedgerExpenses(SeqNo); |
58 |
59 |
create index ConstrLedgerExpenses_Index3 |
60 |
on ConstrLedgerExpenses(NameCode); |
61 |
62 |
Insert |
63 |
INTO constrledgerexpenses |
64 |
select |
65 |
A.ConstructionCode |
66 |
, 1 |
67 |
, A.ComponentCode |
68 |
, A.AmountConfigRate |
69 |
, A.ExecutionAmount |
70 |
, A.EntryDate |
71 |
, A.UpdateDate |
72 |
from |
73 |
constructionledgerdetail As A |
74 |
where |
75 |
A.GroupCount = 1 |
76 |
And A.ComponentCode = 3; |
77 |
78 |
Insert |
79 |
INTO constrledgerexpenses |
80 |
select |
81 |
A.ConstructionCode |
82 |
, 2 |
83 |
, A.ComponentCode |
84 |
, A.AmountConfigRate |
85 |
, A.ExecutionAmount |
86 |
, A.EntryDate |
87 |
, A.UpdateDate |
88 |
from |
89 |
constructionledgerdetail As A |
90 |
where |
91 |
A.GroupCount = 1 |
92 |
And A.ComponentCode = 1; |
93 |
94 |
Insert |
95 |
INTO constrledgerexpenses |
96 |
select |
97 |
A.ConstructionCode |
98 |
, 3 |
99 |
, A.ComponentCode |
100 |
, A.AmountConfigRate |
101 |
, A.ExecutionAmount |
102 |
, A.EntryDate |
103 |
, A.UpdateDate |
104 |
from |
105 |
constructionledgerdetail As A |
106 |
where |
107 |
A.GroupCount = 1 |
108 |
And A.ComponentCode = 2; |
109 |
110 |
111 |
-- ?????o???}?X?^ |
112 |
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS departmentexpensesmaster_OLD; |
113 |
114 |
CREATE TABLE departmentexpensesmaster_OLD As |
115 |
Select |
116 |
* |
117 |
from |
118 |
departmentexpensesmaster; |
119 |
120 |
drop table if exists departmentexpensesmaster cascade; |
121 |
122 |
create table departmentexpensesmaster ( |
123 |
DepartmentCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?????R?[?h' |
124 |
, ExpensesPeriod smallint(6) not null comment '?????' |
125 |
, NameCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?o??R?[?h' |
126 |
, NameString varchar(100) not null comment '????' |
127 |
, DisplayOrder decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?\????' |
128 |
, ExpensesRaito decimal(4,2) not null comment '?o??' |
129 |
, DeleteFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '???t???O' |
130 |
, EntryDate datetime not null comment '?o?^???t' |
131 |
, UpdateDate datetime not null comment '?X?V???t' |
132 |
, constraint departmentexpensesmaster_PKC primary key (DepartmentCode,ExpensesPeriod,NameCode) |
133 |
) comment '?????o???}?X?^' ; |
134 |
135 |
Insert |
136 |
INTO departmentexpensesmaster |
137 |
select |
138 |
A.DepartmentCode |
139 |
, A.ExpensesPeriod |
140 |
, A.NameCode |
141 |
, B.NameString |
142 |
, A.DisplayOrder |
143 |
, A.ExpensesRaito |
144 |
, A.DeleteFlg |
145 |
, A.EntryDate |
146 |
, A.UpdateDate |
147 |
from |
148 |
departmentexpensesmaster_OLD As A |
149 |
LEFT JOIN divisionmaster AS B |
150 |
ON B.DivisionCode = 3 |
151 |
And B.NameCode = A.NameCode; |
152 |
153 |
commit; |
branches/ddl/20180402_SQL.txt | ||
1 |
create index constructionledger_Index1 |
2 |
on constructionledger(ConstructionStart); |
3 |
4 |
create index constructionledger_Index2 |
5 |
on constructionledger(ConstructionEnd); |
6 |
7 |
create index LedgerDetail_Index06 |
8 |
on constructionledgerdetail(SalaryFlg); |
9 |
10 |
create index LedgerDetail_Index07 |
11 |
on constructionledgerdetail(CompanyCode); |
branches/ddl/20171024_SQL.txt | ||
1 |
-- ???????f?[?^ |
2 |
3 |
CREATE TABLE billingdata_OLD As Select * from billingdata; |
4 |
5 |
drop table if exists billingdata cascade; |
6 |
7 |
create table billingdata ( |
8 |
COMPANYCODE decimal(8,0) default '0' not null comment '??????R?[?h' |
9 |
, TARGETDATE decimal(6,0) default '0' not null comment '???N??' |
10 |
, PAYMENTKIND decimal(1,0) default '0' not null comment '?x????' |
11 |
, SEQNO decimal(3,0) default '0' not null comment '?A??' |
12 |
, BILLPRICE decimal(10,0) comment '???????z' |
13 |
, ENTRYDATE datetime comment '?o?^?N????' |
14 |
, UPDATEDATE datetime comment '?X?V?N????' |
15 |
, constraint billingdata_PKC primary key (COMPANYCODE,TARGETDATE,PAYMENTKIND,SEQNO) |
16 |
) comment '???????f?[?^' ; |
17 |
18 |
Insert INTO billingdata |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
, 0 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
FROM billingdata_OLD |
28 |
; |
29 |
commit; |
30 |
31 |
32 |
-- ??????????f?[?^ |
33 |
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS billingdatadetail_OLD; |
34 |
CREATE TABLE billingdatadetail_OLD As Select * from billingdatadetail; |
35 |
36 |
drop table if exists billingdatadetail cascade; |
37 |
38 |
create table billingdatadetail ( |
39 |
COMPANYCODE decimal(8,0) default '0' not null comment '??????R?[?h' |
40 |
, TARGETDATE decimal(6,0) default '0' not null comment '???N??' |
41 |
, PAYMENTKIND decimal(1,0) default '0' not null comment '?x????' |
42 |
, SEQNO decimal(3,0) default '0' not null comment '?A??' |
43 |
, LINECOUNT decimal(3,0) default '0' not null comment '?s???' |
44 |
, CONSTRUCTIONCODE decimal(10,0) comment '?H?????' |
45 |
, CONSTRUCTIONROWCNT decimal(3,0) default '0' not null comment '?s???' |
46 |
, CONSTRUCTIONCOLCNT decimal(3,0) default '0' not null comment '????' |
47 |
, FIELDNAME varchar(120) comment '????' |
48 |
, BILLPRICE decimal(10,0) comment '???????z' |
49 |
, HIGHWPRICE decimal(10,0) comment '??????' |
50 |
, HARDWPRICE decimal(10,0) comment '??????' |
51 |
, INDSWASTETAX decimal(10,0) comment '?Y?p??' |
52 |
, NOTE varchar(120) comment '???l' |
53 |
, ENTRYDATE datetime comment '?o?^?N????' |
54 |
, UPDATEDATE datetime comment '?X?V?N????' |
55 |
, constraint billingdatadetail_PKC primary key (COMPANYCODE,TARGETDATE,PAYMENTKIND,SEQNO,LINECOUNT) |
56 |
) comment '??????????f?[?^' ; |
57 |
58 |
Insert INTO billingdatadetail |
59 |
60 |
61 |
62 |
, 0 |
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
, NOTE |
74 |
75 |
76 |
FROM billingdatadetail_OLD |
77 |
; |
78 |
commit; |
79 |
branches/ddl/20170602_SQL.txt | ||
1 |
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS PurchaseOrderDate; |
2 |
-- ?????????t?f?[?^ |
3 |
CREATE TABLE PurchaseOrderDate |
4 |
( |
5 |
ConstructionCode decimal(10,0) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '?H???R?[?h', |
6 |
SeqNo decimal(3) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '???????}??', |
7 |
CompanyCode decimal(8,0) NOT NULL COMMENT '??????R?[?h', |
8 |
SendDate date NOT NULL COMMENT '???????X????', |
9 |
ReturnDate date NOT NULL COMMENT '???????????', |
10 |
ReturnCheckDate date NOT NULL COMMENT '??????????m?F??', |
11 |
EntryDate datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '?o?^???t', |
12 |
UpdateDate datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '?X?V???t', |
13 |
PRIMARY KEY (ConstructionCode, SeqNo) |
14 |
) COMMENT = '?????????t?f?[?^'; |
15 |
16 |
17 |
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS RequestOrderDate; |
18 |
-- ?????????t?f?[?^ |
19 |
CREATE TABLE RequestOrderDate |
20 |
( |
21 |
ConstructionCode decimal(10,0) unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT '?H???R?[?h', |
22 |
InvoiceNo decimal(9,0) NOT NULL COMMENT '??????No', |
23 |
SendDate date NOT NULL COMMENT '???????????X????', |
24 |
EntryDate datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '?o?^???t', |
25 |
UpdateDate datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '?X?V???t' |
26 |
) COMMENT = '?????????t?f?[?^'; |
27 |
branches/ddl/20180323_SQL.txt | ||
1 |
-- ?S????????????f?[?^ |
2 |
drop table if exists ChgChargeDep cascade; |
3 |
4 |
create table ChgChargeDep ( |
5 |
PersonCode decimal(8,0) not null comment '?S????R?[?h' |
6 |
, StartDate date not null comment '?J?n?N????' |
7 |
, CompDate date not null comment '?I???N????' |
8 |
, DepartmentCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?????R?[?h' |
9 |
, DepartmentName varchar(60) comment '??????' |
10 |
, EntryDate datetime not null comment '?o?^???t' |
11 |
, UpdateDate datetime not null comment '?X?V???t' |
12 |
, constraint ChgChargeDep_PKC primary key (PersonCode, StartDate) |
13 |
) comment '?S????????????f?[?^' ; |
14 |
15 |
Insert INTO ChgChargeDep |
16 |
select |
17 |
A.PersonCode |
18 |
, A.StartDate |
19 |
, A.EndDate |
20 |
, A.DepartmentCode |
21 |
, B.DepartmentString |
22 |
, Now() |
23 |
, Now() |
24 |
From |
25 |
personinchargemaster As A |
26 |
Left Join departmentmaster As B |
27 |
On B.DepartmentCode = A.DepartmentCode |
28 |
; |
29 |
30 |
update chgchargedep Set CompDate = DATE('2017/07/31'), DepartmentCode = 2, DepartmentName = '?c?U??' Where PersonCode = 20150701 And DATE(StartDate) = DATE('2015/07/01'); |
31 |
Insert chgchargedep Value(20150701, DATE('2017/08/01'), DATE('0001/01/01'), 1, '?H????', NOW(), NOW()); |
32 |
33 |
update chgchargedep Set CompDate = DATE('2017/07/31'), DepartmentCode = 1, DepartmentName = '?H????' Where PersonCode = 20160602 And DATE(StartDate) = DATE('2016/06/20'); |
34 |
Insert chgchargedep Value(20160602, DATE('2017/08/01'), DATE('0001/01/01'), 3, '?c???', NOW(), NOW()); |
35 |
36 |
update chgchargedep Set CompDate = DATE('2017/07/31'), DepartmentCode = 1, DepartmentName = '?H????' Where PersonCode = 20160701 And DATE(StartDate) = DATE('2016/07/01'); |
37 |
Insert chgchargedep Value(20160701, DATE('2017/08/01'), DATE('0001/01/01'), 2, '?c?U??', NOW(), NOW()); |
38 |
commit; |
branches/ddl/20171207_SQL.txt | ||
1 |
-- ??????????f?[?^ |
2 |
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS purchaseorderdetail_OLD; |
3 |
CREATE TABLE purchaseorderdetail_OLD As Select * from purchaseorderdetail; |
4 |
5 |
drop table if exists purchaseorderdetail cascade; |
6 |
7 |
create table purchaseorderdetail ( |
8 |
ConstructionCode decimal(10,0) unsigned not null comment '?H???R?[?h' |
9 |
, SeqNo decimal(3,0) unsigned not null comment '???????}??' |
10 |
, GroupCount decimal(1,0) not null comment '?O???[?v???' |
11 |
, LineCount decimal(3,0) unsigned not null comment '?s???' |
12 |
, ComponentCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?\???L?[' |
13 |
, ItemCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?H??L?[' |
14 |
, FirstString varchar(120) comment '?H??E?i??' |
15 |
, SecondString varchar(120) comment '???e????' |
16 |
, UnitCount decimal(8,2) not null comment '????' |
17 |
, UnitName varchar(30) comment '?P??' |
18 |
, UnitPrice decimal(10,0) not null comment '?P??' |
19 |
, OrdersLinePrice decimal(12,0) comment '???z' |
20 |
, SourceCode decimal(10,0) unsigned not null comment '?\?Z?????H?????' |
21 |
, SourceLineCnt decimal(3,0) unsigned not null comment '?????????????s???' |
22 |
, DataTypeFlag decimal(1,0) unsigned not null comment '?f?[?^?^?C?v?t???O' |
23 |
, EntryDate datetime not null comment '?o?^???t' |
24 |
, UpdateDate datetime not null comment '?X?V???t' |
25 |
, constraint purchaseorderdetail_PKC primary key (ConstructionCode,SeqNo,GroupCount,LineCount) |
26 |
) comment '??????????f?[?^' ; |
27 |
28 |
create index POrderDetail_Index1 |
29 |
on purchaseorderdetail(SourceCode); |
30 |
31 |
Insert INTO purchaseorderdetail |
32 |
33 |
ConstructionCode |
34 |
, SeqNo |
35 |
, GroupCount |
36 |
, LineCount |
37 |
, ComponentCode |
38 |
, ItemCode |
39 |
, FirstString |
40 |
, SecondString |
41 |
, UnitCount |
42 |
, UnitName |
43 |
, UnitPrice |
44 |
, OrdersLinePrice |
45 |
, SourceCode |
46 |
, SourceLineCnt |
47 |
, 0 |
48 |
, EntryDate |
49 |
, UpdateDate |
50 |
FROM purchaseorderdetail_OLD |
51 |
; |
52 |
update purchaseorderdetail set DataTypeFlag = 1 where FirstString like '%?@??%'; |
53 |
54 |
commit; |
branches/ddl/20180405_SQL.txt | ||
1 |
-- ?H????{??? |
2 |
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS constructionbaseinfo_OLD; |
3 |
CREATE TABLE constructionbaseinfo_OLD As Select * from constructionbaseinfo; |
4 |
5 |
drop table if exists constructionbaseinfo cascade; |
6 |
7 |
create table constructionbaseinfo ( |
8 |
ConstructionCode decimal(10,0) unsigned not null comment '?H???R?[?h' |
9 |
, TyingFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '?R?t?f?[?^?t???O' |
10 |
, JoinFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '?????_??H???t???O' |
11 |
, ConstructionYear smallint(5) unsigned not null comment '?H???N?x' |
12 |
, ConstructionPeriod smallint(5) unsigned not null comment '?H??????' |
13 |
, RequestedDate date comment '??????' |
14 |
, EstimatesSubmitDeadline date comment '?????o????' |
15 |
, EstimatesSubmittedDate date comment '?????o??' |
16 |
, ProvisionalOrderDate date comment '?????' |
17 |
, OrderDate date comment '???' |
18 |
, OrderStartingDate date comment '?J?n?\???' |
19 |
, OrderCompletionDate date comment '?????\???' |
20 |
, PreparationStartDate date comment '?{?H?????J?n??' |
21 |
, ConstructionStartingDate date comment '?{?H?J?n??' |
22 |
, ConstructionCompletionDate date comment '?{?H??????' |
23 |
, NonOrderDate date comment '????' |
24 |
, OrdersDecisionPrice decimal(12,0) not null comment '??????????z' |
25 |
, OrdersDecisionPriceInTax decimal(12,0) not null comment '??????????z' |
26 |
, SalesDepCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?c??S????????R?[?h' |
27 |
, SalesPersonCode decimal(8,0) unsigned not null comment '?c??S????R?[?h' |
28 |
, SalesSubDepCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?c????S????????R?[?h' |
29 |
, SalesSubPersonCode decimal(8,0) unsigned not null comment '?c????S????R?[?h' |
30 |
, ConstrDepCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?H???S????????R?[?h' |
31 |
, ConstructionPersonCode decimal(8,0) not null comment '?H???S????R?[?h' |
32 |
, ConstrSubDepCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?H?????S????????R?[?h' |
33 |
, ConstrSubPersonCode decimal(8,0) not null comment '?H?????S????R?[?h' |
34 |
, ConstrInstrDepCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?H???w?????????R?[?h' |
35 |
, ConstructionInstructor decimal(8,0) not null comment '?H???w?????R?[?h' |
36 |
, TransferConstruction decimal(8,0) not null comment '?H??????R?[?h' |
37 |
, TransferConstructionDate date comment '?H??????' |
38 |
, OrderersDivision decimal(5,0) not null comment '????????R?[?h' |
39 |
, OrderersCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '??????R?[?h' |
40 |
, EstimatesExpirationDate date comment '????L??????' |
41 |
, ConstructionPeriodStart date comment '?_??H???J?n??' |
42 |
, ConstructionPeriodEnd date comment '?_??H??????' |
43 |
, ConstructionPeriodStart2 date comment '?_??H???J?n?i???????j' |
44 |
, ConstructionPeriodEnd2 date comment '?_??H???????i???????j' |
45 |
, StartDate date comment '?H???J?n??' |
46 |
, EndDate date comment '?H???I????' |
47 |
, PurchaseOrderMailingDate date comment '???????X????' |
48 |
, PurchaseOrderReturnDate date comment '???????????' |
49 |
, PurchaseOrderReturnCheckDate date comment '??????????m?F??' |
50 |
, ConsumptionTaxFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '?????t???O' |
51 |
, PrimeContractorFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '?????t???O' |
52 |
, SalesCostFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '?c??o?????t???O' |
53 |
, ConstructionStatusFlg decimal(2,0) not null comment '?H?????t???O' |
54 |
, ConstructionType decimal(5,0) not null comment '?H?????R?[?h' |
55 |
, EstimateType decimal(1,0) not null comment '??????' |
56 |
, BillingStartDate date not null comment '?????????J?n??' |
57 |
, BillingDate date not null comment '??????' |
58 |
, BillingSplitFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '??????t???O' |
59 |
, BillingSendDate date comment '???????X??/??n????' |
60 |
, LedgerComplateDate date not null comment '?H????????????????t' |
61 |
, InspectPlanningDate date not null comment '?????\???' |
62 |
, InspectExecuteDate date not null comment '???????s??' |
63 |
, RevCompleteDate date not null comment '??????????????' |
64 |
, EntryDate datetime not null comment '?o?^???t' |
65 |
, UpdateDate datetime not null comment '?X?V???t' |
66 |
, constraint constructionbaseinfo_PKC primary key (ConstructionCode) |
67 |
) comment '?H????{???' ; |
68 |
69 |
create index BaseInfo_Index1 |
70 |
on constructionbaseinfo(ConstructionStatusFlg); |
71 |
72 |
create index BaseInfo_Index2 |
73 |
on constructionbaseinfo(EstimateType); |
74 |
75 |
create index BaseInfo_Index3 |
76 |
on constructionbaseinfo(SalesPersonCode); |
77 |
78 |
create index BaseInfo_Index4 |
79 |
on constructionbaseinfo(ConstructionPersonCode); |
80 |
81 |
create index BaseInfo_Index5 |
82 |
on constructionbaseinfo(ConstructionInstructor); |
83 |
84 |
create index BaseInfo_Index6 |
85 |
on constructionbaseinfo(ConstructionPeriod); |
86 |
87 |
Insert INTO constructionbaseinfo |
88 |
Select |
89 |
ConstructionCode |
90 |
, TyingFlg |
91 |
, JoinFlg |
92 |
, ConstructionYear |
93 |
, ConstructionPeriod |
94 |
, RequestedDate |
95 |
, EstimatesSubmitDeadline |
96 |
, EstimatesSubmittedDate |
97 |
, ProvisionalOrderDate |
98 |
, OrderDate |
99 |
, OrderStartingDate |
100 |
, OrderCompletionDate |
101 |
, PreparationStartDate |
102 |
, ConstructionStartingDate |
103 |
, ConstructionCompletionDate |
104 |
, NonOrderDate |
105 |
, OrdersDecisionPrice |
106 |
, OrdersDecisionPriceInTax |
107 |
, SalesDepCode |
108 |
, SalesPersonCode |
109 |
, 0 |
110 |
, 0 |
111 |
, ConstrDepCode |
112 |
, ConstructionPersonCode |
113 |
, ConstrSubDepCode |
114 |
, ConstrSubPersonCode |
115 |
, ConstrInstrDepCode |
116 |
, ConstructionInstructor |
117 |
, TransferConstruction |
118 |
, TransferConstructionDate |
119 |
, OrderersDivision |
120 |
, OrderersCode |
121 |
, EstimatesExpirationDate |
122 |
, ConstructionPeriodStart |
123 |
, ConstructionPeriodEnd |
124 |
, ConstructionPeriodStart2 |
125 |
, ConstructionPeriodEnd2 |
126 |
, StartDate |
127 |
, EndDate |
128 |
, PurchaseOrderMailingDate |
129 |
, PurchaseOrderReturnDate |
130 |
, PurchaseOrderReturnCheckDate |
131 |
, ConsumptionTaxFlg |
132 |
, PrimeContractorFlg |
133 |
, SalesCostFlg |
134 |
, ConstructionStatusFlg |
135 |
, ConstructionType |
136 |
, EstimateType |
137 |
, BillingStartDate |
138 |
, BillingDate |
139 |
, BillingSplitFlg |
140 |
, BillingSendDate |
141 |
, LedgerComplateDate |
142 |
, InspectPlanningDate |
143 |
, InspectExecuteDate |
144 |
, RevCompleteDate |
145 |
, EntryDate |
146 |
, UpdateDate |
147 |
From constructionbaseinfo_OLD; |
148 |
149 |
-- ?N?}?X?^ |
150 |
151 |
CREATE TABLE yearmaster_OLD As Select * from yearmaster; |
152 |
153 |
drop table if exists yearmaster cascade; |
154 |
155 |
create table yearmaster ( |
156 |
years smallint(6) not null comment '?N' |
157 |
, constraint yearmaster_PKC primary key (years) |
158 |
) comment '?N?}?X?^' ; |
159 |
160 |
Insert INTO yearmaster |
161 |
Select * From yearmaster_OLD; |
162 |
163 |
164 |
-- ???}?X?^ |
165 |
166 |
CREATE TABLE monthmaster_OLD As Select * from monthmaster; |
167 |
168 |
drop table if exists monthmaster cascade; |
169 |
170 |
create table monthmaster ( |
171 |
month smallint(6) not null comment '??' |
172 |
, constraint monthmaster_PKC primary key (month) |
173 |
) comment '???}?X?^' ; |
174 |
175 |
Insert INTO monthmaster |
176 |
Select * From monthmaster_OLD; |
177 |
178 |
179 |
-- ???}?X?^ |
180 |
181 |
CREATE TABLE daymaster_OLD As Select * from daymaster; |
182 |
183 |
drop table if exists daymaster cascade; |
184 |
185 |
create table daymaster ( |
186 |
days smallint(6) not null comment '??' |
187 |
, constraint daymaster_PKC primary key (days) |
188 |
) comment '???}?X?^' ; |
189 |
190 |
Insert INTO daymaster |
191 |
Select * From daymaster_OLD; |
192 |
193 |
commit; |
branches/ddl/20170712_SQL.txt | ||
1 |
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS personinchargemaster_OLD; |
2 |
CREATE TABLE personinchargemaster_OLD As Select * from personinchargemaster; |
3 |
4 |
drop index PersonInChargeMaster_Index1 on personinchargemaster; |
5 |
drop index PersonInChargeMaster_Index2 on personinchargemaster; |
6 |
7 |
drop table if exists personinchargemaster cascade; |
8 |
9 |
create table personinchargemaster ( |
10 |
PersonCode decimal(8,0) unsigned not null comment '?S????R?[?h' |
11 |
, DisplayOrder decimal(8,0) unsigned not null comment '?\????' |
12 |
, PersonName varchar(60) not null comment '?S?????' |
13 |
, StartDate date not null comment '?g?p?J?n?N????' |
14 |
, EndDate date comment '?g?p?I???N????' |
15 |
, PassWord varchar(16) comment '?p?X???[?h' |
16 |
, SecurityManagement decimal(1,0) not null comment '?@????' |
17 |
, SecCode decimal(2,0) unsigned not null comment '???????' |
18 |
, MsgBackColor varchar(8) comment '???b?Z?[?W?w?i?F' |
19 |
, DisplayString varchar(20) comment '?\???E???????' |
20 |
, DepartmentCode decimal(5,0) unsigned comment '?????R?[?h' |
21 |
, MonthlySalary decimal(11,0) not null comment '???????z' |
22 |
, YearSalary decimal(12,0) not null comment '?N????z' |
23 |
, Qualification varchar(120) comment '???i?????' |
24 |
, SealPrintName varchar(5) comment '???\????' |
25 |
, EmployeeClassFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '?????' |
26 |
, LedgerFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '???v?Z???t???O' |
27 |
, CommutingDistance decimal(5,2) not null comment '??????' |
28 |
, CommuteCosts decimal(5,0) not null comment '??????' |
29 |
, DeleteFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '???t???O' |
30 |
, EntryDate datetime not null comment '?o?^???t' |
31 |
, UpdateDate datetime not null comment '?X?V???t' |
32 |
, constraint personinchargemaster_PKC primary key (PersonCode) |
33 |
) comment '?S????}?X?^' ; |
34 |
35 |
create index PersonInChargeMaster_Index1 |
36 |
on personinchargemaster(StartDate); |
37 |
38 |
create index PersonInChargeMaster_Index2 |
39 |
on personinchargemaster(DepartmentCode); |
40 |
41 |
Insert INTO personinchargemaster |
42 |
43 |
PersonCode |
44 |
, DisplayOrder |
45 |
, PersonName |
46 |
, StartDate |
47 |
, EndDate |
48 |
, PassWord |
49 |
, SecurityManagement |
50 |
, SecCode |
51 |
, MsgBackColor |
52 |
, DisplayString |
53 |
, DepartmentCode |
54 |
, MonthlySalary |
55 |
, YearSalary |
56 |
, Qualification |
57 |
, SealPrintName |
58 |
, EmployeeClassFlg |
59 |
, LedgerFlg |
60 |
, 0 |
61 |
, 0 |
62 |
, DeleteFlg |
63 |
, EntryDate |
64 |
, UpdateDate |
65 |
FROM personinchargemaster_OLD |
66 |
; |
67 |
commit; |
68 |
69 |
70 |
CREATE TABLE SystemMaster_OLD As Select * from SystemMaster; |
71 |
72 |
73 |
-- ????}?X?^ |
74 |
CREATE TABLE SystemMaster |
75 |
( |
76 |
SystemCode decimal(3,0) unsigned not null comment '???R?[?h' |
77 |
, CompanyName1 varchar(60) not null comment '?????P' |
78 |
, CompanyName2 varchar(60) comment '?????Q' |
79 |
, CEOName varchar(60) not null comment '??\?????' |
80 |
, CEOPositionName varchar(60) comment '??\???E??' |
81 |
, ZipCode varchar(8) not null comment '?X????' |
82 |
, Address1 varchar(60) not null comment '?Z???P' |
83 |
, Address2 varchar(60) comment '?Z??2' |
84 |
, Address3 varchar(60) comment '?Z??3' |
85 |
, PhoneNumber varchar(13) not null comment '?d?b???' |
86 |
, FaxNumber varchar(13) comment 'FAX???' |
87 |
, HomePageURL varchar(120) comment '?z?[???y?[?WURL' |
88 |
, ConstructionExpenses decimal(4,2) not null comment '?H?????o??' |
89 |
, OfficeExpenses decimal(4,2) not null comment '???????o??' |
90 |
, OperatingExpenses decimal(4,2) not null comment '?c??o??' |
91 |
, ConsumptionTax decimal(4,2) not null comment '?????' |
92 |
, CooperationRate decimal(4,2) not null comment '???????' |
93 |
, StatutoryWelfareRate decimal(4,2) not null comment '?@???????' |
94 |
, FuelPrice decimal(5,2) NOT NULL COMMENT '?R???L???P??' |
95 |
, AreaDistance decimal(5,2) NOT NULL COMMENT '????u????????' |
96 |
, ExcelSavePath varchar(120) comment 'Excel????p?X' |
97 |
, BusinessPeriod smallint(6) not null comment '????c?????' |
98 |
, ConstructionYear smallint(6) not null comment '????H???N?x' |
99 |
, BusinessBeginningDate varchar(5) not null comment '?c????????' |
100 |
, ConstructionBeginningDate varchar(5) not null comment '?H???N?x?????' |
101 |
, ConstructionNoBase decimal(1,0) not null comment '?H????????l' |
102 |
, SloganString1 varchar(100) comment '?W??1' |
103 |
, SloganString2 varchar(100) comment '?W??2' |
104 |
, SloganString3 varchar(100) comment '?W??3' |
105 |
, EntryDate datetime not null comment '?o?^???t' |
106 |
, UpdateDate datetime not null comment '?X?V???t' |
107 |
, constraint systemmaster_PKC primary key (SystemCode) |
108 |
) COMMENT = '????}?X?^'; |
109 |
110 |
Insert INTO SystemMaster |
111 |
112 |
SystemCode |
113 |
, CompanyName1 |
114 |
, CompanyName2 |
115 |
, CEOName |
116 |
, CEOPositionName |
117 |
, ZipCode |
118 |
, Address1 |
119 |
, Address2 |
120 |
, Address3 |
121 |
, PhoneNumber |
122 |
, FaxNumber |
123 |
, HomePageURL |
124 |
, ConstructionExpenses |
125 |
, OfficeExpenses |
126 |
, OperatingExpenses |
127 |
, ConsumptionTax |
128 |
, CooperationRate |
129 |
, StatutoryWelfareRate |
130 |
, 0 |
131 |
, 0 |
132 |
, ExcelSavePath |
133 |
, BusinessPeriod |
134 |
, ConstructionYear |
135 |
, BusinessBeginningDate |
136 |
, ConstructionBeginningDate |
137 |
, ConstructionNoBase |
138 |
, SloganString1 |
139 |
, SloganString2 |
140 |
, SloganString3 |
141 |
, EntryDate |
142 |
, UpdateDate |
143 |
FROM SystemMaster_OLD |
144 |
; |
145 |
commit; |
146 |
147 |
insert |
148 |
into approvalmaster( |
149 |
150 |
11 |
151 |
, DepartmentCode |
152 |
, SeqNo |
153 |
, DisplayOrder |
154 |
, ApprovalPerson |
155 |
, ApprovalAuthority |
156 |
, EntryDate |
157 |
, UpdateDate |
158 |
159 |
approvalmaster |
160 |
where |
161 |
ApprovalCode = 99 |
162 |
); |
163 |
164 |
insert |
165 |
into approvalmaster( |
166 |
167 |
12 |
168 |
, DepartmentCode |
169 |
, SeqNo |
170 |
, DisplayOrder |
171 |
, ApprovalPerson |
172 |
, ApprovalAuthority |
173 |
, EntryDate |
174 |
, UpdateDate |
175 |
176 |
approvalmaster |
177 |
where |
178 |
ApprovalCode = 99 |
179 |
); |
180 |
181 |
delete |
182 |
from |
183 |
approvalmaster |
184 |
where |
185 |
ApprovalCode >= 98; |
186 |
187 |
commit; |
188 |
branches/ddl/20180324_SQL.txt | ||
1 |
2 |
-- ?H???S???????f?[?^ |
3 |
drop table if exists ConstrChgCharge cascade; |
4 |
5 |
create table ConstrChgCharge ( |
6 |
ConstructionCode decimal(10,0) unsigned not null comment '?H???R?[?h' |
7 |
, Division decimal(1,0) not null comment '????' |
8 |
, SeqNo smallint(5) unsigned not null comment '?A??' |
9 |
, DepartmentCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?????R?[?h' |
10 |
, PersonCode decimal(8,0) not null comment '?S????R?[?h' |
11 |
, StartDate date comment '?S???J?n?N????' |
12 |
, CompDate date comment '?S???I???N????' |
13 |
, EntryDate datetime not null comment '?o?^???t' |
14 |
, UpdateDate datetime not null comment '?X?V???t' |
15 |
, constraint ConstrChgCharge_PKC primary key (ConstructionCode, Division, SeqNo) |
16 |
) comment '?H???S???????f?[?^' ; |
17 |
18 |
-- ?H????{??? |
19 |
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS constructionbaseinfo_OLD; |
20 |
CREATE TABLE constructionbaseinfo_OLD As Select * from constructionbaseinfo; |
21 |
22 |
drop table if exists constructionbaseinfo cascade; |
23 |
24 |
create table constructionbaseinfo ( |
25 |
ConstructionCode decimal(10,0) unsigned not null comment '?H???R?[?h' |
26 |
, TyingFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '?R?t?f?[?^?t???O' |
27 |
, JoinFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '?????_??H???t???O' |
28 |
, ConstructionYear smallint(5) unsigned not null comment '?H???N?x' |
29 |
, ConstructionPeriod smallint(5) unsigned not null comment '?H??????' |
30 |
, RequestedDate date comment '??????' |
31 |
, EstimatesSubmitDeadline date comment '?????o????' |
32 |
, EstimatesSubmittedDate date comment '?????o??' |
33 |
, ProvisionalOrderDate date comment '?????' |
34 |
, OrderDate date comment '???' |
35 |
, OrderStartingDate date comment '?J?n?\???' |
36 |
, OrderCompletionDate date comment '?????\???' |
37 |
, PreparationStartDate date comment '?{?H?????J?n??' |
38 |
, ConstructionStartingDate date comment '?{?H?J?n??' |
39 |
, ConstructionCompletionDate date comment '?{?H??????' |
40 |
, NonOrderDate date comment '????' |
41 |
, OrdersDecisionPrice decimal(12,0) not null comment '??????????z' |
42 |
, OrdersDecisionPriceInTax decimal(12,0) not null comment '??????????z' |
43 |
, SalesDepCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?c??S????????R?[?h' |
44 |
, SalesPersonCode decimal(8,0) unsigned not null comment '?c??S????R?[?h' |
45 |
, ConstrDepCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?H???S????????R?[?h' |
46 |
, ConstructionPersonCode decimal(8,0) not null comment '?H???S????R?[?h' |
47 |
, ConstrSubDepCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?H?????S????????R?[?h' |
48 |
, ConstrSubPersonCode decimal(8,0) not null comment '?H?????S????R?[?h' |
49 |
, ConstrInstrDepCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '?H???w?????????R?[?h' |
50 |
, ConstructionInstructor decimal(8,0) not null comment '?H???w?????R?[?h' |
51 |
, TransferConstruction decimal(8,0) not null comment '?H??????R?[?h' |
52 |
, TransferConstructionDate date comment '?H??????' |
53 |
, OrderersDivision decimal(5,0) not null comment '????????R?[?h' |
54 |
, OrderersCode decimal(5,0) unsigned not null comment '??????R?[?h' |
55 |
, EstimatesExpirationDate date comment '????L??????' |
56 |
, ConstructionPeriodStart date comment '?_??H???J?n??' |
57 |
, ConstructionPeriodEnd date comment '?_??H??????' |
58 |
, ConstructionPeriodStart2 date comment '?_??H???J?n?i???????j' |
59 |
, ConstructionPeriodEnd2 date comment '?_??H???????i???????j' |
60 |
, StartDate date comment '?H???J?n??' |
61 |
, EndDate date comment '?H???I????' |
62 |
, PurchaseOrderMailingDate date comment '???????X????' |
63 |
, PurchaseOrderReturnDate date comment '???????????' |
64 |
, PurchaseOrderReturnCheckDate date comment '??????????m?F??' |
65 |
, ConsumptionTaxFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '?????t???O' |
66 |
, PrimeContractorFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '?????t???O' |
67 |
, SalesCostFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '?c??o?????t???O' |
68 |
, ConstructionStatusFlg decimal(2,0) not null comment '?H?????t???O' |
69 |
, ConstructionType decimal(5,0) not null comment '?H?????R?[?h' |
70 |
, EstimateType decimal(1,0) not null comment '??????' |
71 |
, BillingStartDate date not null comment '?????????J?n??' |
72 |
, BillingDate date not null comment '??????' |
73 |
, BillingSplitFlg decimal(1,0) not null comment '??????t???O' |
74 |
, BillingSendDate date comment '???????X??/??n????' |
75 |
, LedgerComplateDate date not null comment '?H????????????????t' |
76 |
, InspectPlanningDate date not null comment '?????\???' |
77 |
, InspectExecuteDate date not null comment '???????s??' |
78 |
, RevCompleteDate date not null comment '??????????????' |
79 |
, EntryDate datetime not null comment '?o?^???t' |
80 |
, UpdateDate datetime not null comment '?X?V???t' |
81 |
, constraint constructionbaseinfo_PKC primary key (ConstructionCode) |
82 |
) comment '?H????{???' ; |
83 |
84 |
create index BaseInfo_Index1 |
85 |
on constructionbaseinfo(ConstructionStatusFlg); |
86 |
87 |
create index BaseInfo_Index2 |
88 |
on constructionbaseinfo(EstimateType); |
89 |
90 |
create index BaseInfo_Index3 |
91 |
on constructionbaseinfo(SalesPersonCode); |
92 |
93 |
create index BaseInfo_Index4 |
94 |
on constructionbaseinfo(ConstructionPersonCode); |
95 |
96 |
create index BaseInfo_Index5 |
97 |
on constructionbaseinfo(ConstructionInstructor); |
98 |
99 |
create index BaseInfo_Index6 |
100 |
on constructionbaseinfo(ConstructionPeriod); |
101 |
102 |
Insert INTO constructionbaseinfo |
103 |
104 |
A.ConstructionCode |
105 |
, A.TyingFlg |
106 |
, A.JoinFlg |
107 |
, A.ConstructionYear |
108 |
, A.ConstructionPeriod |
109 |
, A.RequestedDate |
110 |
, A.EstimatesSubmitDeadline |
111 |
, A.EstimatesSubmittedDate |
112 |
, A.ProvisionalOrderDate |
113 |
, A.OrderDate |
114 |
, A.OrderStartingDate |
115 |
, A.OrderCompletionDate |
116 |
, A.PreparationStartDate |
117 |
, A.ConstructionStartingDate |
118 |
, A.ConstructionCompletionDate |
119 |
, A.NonOrderDate |
120 |
, A.OrdersDecisionPrice |
121 |
, A.OrdersDecisionPriceInTax |
122 |
, B.DepartmentCode |
123 |
, A.SalesPersonCode |
124 |
, ifnull(C.DepartmentCode, 0) |
125 |
, A.ConstructionPersonCode |
126 |
, ifnull(D.DepartmentCode, 0) |
127 |
, A.ConstrSubPersonCode |
128 |
, ifnull(E.DepartmentCode, 0) |
129 |
, A.ConstructionInstructor |
130 |
, A.TransferConstruction |
131 |
, A.TransferConstructionDate |
132 |
, A.OrderersDivision |
133 |
, A.OrderersCode |
134 |
, A.EstimatesExpirationDate |
135 |
, A.ConstructionPeriodStart |
136 |
, A.ConstructionPeriodEnd |
137 |
, A.ConstructionPeriodStart2 |
138 |
, A.ConstructionPeriodEnd2 |
139 |
, A.StartDate |
140 |
, A.EndDate |
141 |
, A.PurchaseOrderMailingDate |
142 |
, A.PurchaseOrderReturnDate |
143 |
, A.PurchaseOrderReturnCheckDate |
144 |
, A.ConsumptionTaxFlg |
145 |
, A.PrimeContractorFlg |
146 |
, A.SalesCostFlg |
147 |
, A.ConstructionStatusFlg |
148 |
, A.ConstructionType |
149 |
, A.EstimateType |
150 |
, A.BillingStartDate |
151 |
, A.BillingDate |
152 |
, A.BillingSplitFlg |
153 |
, A.BillingSendDate |
154 |
, A.LedgerComplateDate |
155 |
, InspectPlanningDate |
156 |
, InspectExecuteDate |
157 |
, RevCompleteDate |
158 |
, A.EntryDate |
159 |
, A.UpdateDate |
160 |
161 |
constructionbaseinfo_OLD As A |
162 |
Left Join chgchargedep As B |
163 |
On B.PersonCode = A.SalesPersonCode |
164 |
AND ( |
165 |
DATE (B.StartDate) <= DATE ('2016/07/31') |
166 |
AND ( |
167 |
DATE ('2015/08/01') <= DATE (B.CompDate) |
168 |
OR DATE ('0001/01/01') = DATE (B.CompDate) |
169 |
) |
170 |
) |
171 |
Left Join chgchargedep As C |
172 |
On C.PersonCode = A.ConstructionPersonCode |
173 |
AND ( |
174 |
DATE (C.StartDate) <= DATE ('2016/07/31') |
175 |
AND ( |
176 |
DATE ('2015/08/01') <= DATE (C.CompDate) |
177 |
OR DATE ('0001/01/01') = DATE (C.CompDate) |
178 |
) |
179 |
) |
180 |
Left Join chgchargedep As D |
181 |
On D.PersonCode = A.ConstrSubPersonCode |
182 |
AND ( |
183 |
DATE (D.StartDate) <= DATE ('2016/07/31') |
184 |
AND ( |
185 |
DATE ('2015/08/01') <= DATE (D.CompDate) |
186 |
OR DATE ('0001/01/01') = DATE (D.CompDate) |
187 |
) |
188 |
) |
189 |
Left Join chgchargedep As E |
190 |
On E.PersonCode = A.ConstructionInstructor |
191 |
AND ( |
192 |
DATE (D.StartDate) <= DATE ('2016/07/31') |
193 |
AND ( |
194 |
DATE ('2015/08/01') <= DATE (D.CompDate) |
195 |
OR DATE ('0001/01/01') = DATE (D.CompDate) |
196 |
) |
197 |
) |
198 |
Where A.ConstructionPeriod = 15 |
199 |
; |
200 |
201 |
Insert INTO constructionbaseinfo |
202 |
203 |
A.ConstructionCode |
204 |
, A.TyingFlg |
205 |
, A.JoinFlg |
206 |
, A.ConstructionYear |
207 |
, A.ConstructionPeriod |
208 |
, A.RequestedDate |
209 |
, A.EstimatesSubmitDeadline |
210 |
, A.EstimatesSubmittedDate |
211 |
, A.ProvisionalOrderDate |
212 |
, A.OrderDate |
213 |
, A.OrderStartingDate |
214 |
, A.OrderCompletionDate |
215 |
, A.PreparationStartDate |
216 |
, A.ConstructionStartingDate |
217 |
, A.ConstructionCompletionDate |
218 |
, A.NonOrderDate |
219 |
, A.OrdersDecisionPrice |
220 |
, A.OrdersDecisionPriceInTax |
221 |
, B.DepartmentCode |
222 |
, A.SalesPersonCode |
223 |
, ifnull(C.DepartmentCode, 0) |
224 |
, A.ConstructionPersonCode |
225 |
, ifnull(D.DepartmentCode, 0) |
226 |
, A.ConstrSubPersonCode |
227 |
, ifnull(E.DepartmentCode, 0) |
228 |
, A.ConstructionInstructor |
229 |
, A.TransferConstruction |
230 |
, A.TransferConstructionDate |
231 |
, A.OrderersDivision |
232 |
, A.OrderersCode |
233 |
, A.EstimatesExpirationDate |
234 |
, A.ConstructionPeriodStart |
235 |
, A.ConstructionPeriodEnd |
236 |
, A.ConstructionPeriodStart2 |
237 |
, A.ConstructionPeriodEnd2 |
238 |
, A.StartDate |
239 |
, A.EndDate |
240 |
, A.PurchaseOrderMailingDate |
241 |
, A.PurchaseOrderReturnDate |
242 |
, A.PurchaseOrderReturnCheckDate |
243 |
, A.ConsumptionTaxFlg |
244 |
, A.PrimeContractorFlg |
245 |
, A.SalesCostFlg |
246 |
, A.ConstructionStatusFlg |
247 |
, A.ConstructionType |
248 |
, A.EstimateType |
249 |
, A.BillingStartDate |
250 |
, A.BillingDate |
251 |
, A.BillingSplitFlg |
252 |
, A.BillingSendDate |
253 |
, A.LedgerComplateDate |
254 |
, InspectPlanningDate |
255 |
, InspectExecuteDate |
256 |
, RevCompleteDate |
257 |
, A.EntryDate |
258 |
, A.UpdateDate |
259 |
260 |
constructionbaseinfo_OLD As A |
261 |
Left Join chgchargedep As B |
262 |
On B.PersonCode = A.SalesPersonCode |
263 |
AND ( |
264 |
DATE (B.StartDate) <= DATE ('2017/07/31') |
265 |
AND ( |
266 |
DATE ('2016/08/01') <= DATE (B.CompDate) |
267 |
OR DATE ('0001/01/01') = DATE (B.CompDate) |
268 |
) |
269 |
) |
270 |
Left Join chgchargedep As C |
271 |
On C.PersonCode = A.ConstructionPersonCode |
272 |
AND ( |
273 |
DATE (C.StartDate) <= DATE ('2017/07/31') |
274 |
AND ( |
275 |
DATE ('2016/08/01') <= DATE (C.CompDate) |
276 |
OR DATE ('0001/01/01') = DATE (C.CompDate) |
277 |
) |
278 |
) |
279 |
Left Join chgchargedep As D |
280 |
On D.PersonCode = A.ConstrSubPersonCode |
281 |
AND ( |
282 |
DATE (D.StartDate) <= DATE ('2017/07/31') |
283 |
AND ( |
284 |
DATE ('2016/08/01') <= DATE (D.CompDate) |
285 |
OR DATE ('0001/01/01') = DATE (D.CompDate) |
286 |
) |
287 |
) |
288 |
Left Join chgchargedep As E |
289 |
On E.PersonCode = A.ConstructionInstructor |
290 |
AND ( |
291 |
DATE (E.StartDate) <= DATE ('2017/07/31') |
292 |
AND ( |
293 |
DATE ('2016/08/01') <= DATE (E.CompDate) |
294 |
OR DATE ('0001/01/01') = DATE (E.CompDate) |
295 |
) |
296 |
) |
297 |
Where A.ConstructionPeriod = 16 |
298 |
; |
299 |
300 |
Insert INTO constructionbaseinfo |
301 |
302 |
A.ConstructionCode |
303 |
, A.TyingFlg |
304 |
, A.JoinFlg |
305 |
, A.ConstructionYear |
306 |
, A.ConstructionPeriod |
307 |
, A.RequestedDate |
308 |
, A.EstimatesSubmitDeadline |
309 |
, A.EstimatesSubmittedDate |
310 |
, A.ProvisionalOrderDate |
311 |
, A.OrderDate |
312 |
, A.OrderStartingDate |
313 |
, A.OrderCompletionDate |
314 |
, A.PreparationStartDate |
315 |
, A.ConstructionStartingDate |
316 |
, A.ConstructionCompletionDate |
317 |
, A.NonOrderDate |
318 |
, A.OrdersDecisionPrice |
319 |
, A.OrdersDecisionPriceInTax |
320 |
, B.DepartmentCode |
321 |
, A.SalesPersonCode |
322 |
, ifnull(C.DepartmentCode, 0) |
323 |
, A.ConstructionPersonCode |
324 |
, ifnull(D.DepartmentCode, 0) |
325 |
, A.ConstrSubPersonCode |
326 |
, ifnull(E.DepartmentCode, 0) |
327 |
, A.ConstructionInstructor |
328 |
, A.TransferConstruction |
329 |
, A.TransferConstructionDate |
330 |
, A.OrderersDivision |
331 |
, A.OrderersCode |
332 |
, A.EstimatesExpirationDate |
333 |
, A.ConstructionPeriodStart |
334 |
, A.ConstructionPeriodEnd |
335 |
, A.ConstructionPeriodStart2 |
336 |
, A.ConstructionPeriodEnd2 |
337 |
, A.StartDate |
338 |
, A.EndDate |
339 |
, A.PurchaseOrderMailingDate |
340 |
, A.PurchaseOrderReturnDate |
341 |
, A.PurchaseOrderReturnCheckDate |
342 |
, A.ConsumptionTaxFlg |
343 |
, A.PrimeContractorFlg |
344 |
, A.SalesCostFlg |
345 |
, A.ConstructionStatusFlg |
346 |
, A.ConstructionType |
347 |
, A.EstimateType |
348 |
, A.BillingStartDate |
349 |
, A.BillingDate |
350 |
, A.BillingSplitFlg |
351 |
, A.BillingSendDate |
352 |
, A.LedgerComplateDate |
353 |
, InspectPlanningDate |
354 |
, InspectExecuteDate |
355 |
, RevCompleteDate |
356 |
, A.EntryDate |
357 |
, A.UpdateDate |
358 |
359 |
constructionbaseinfo_OLD As A |
360 |
Left Join chgchargedep As B |
361 |
On B.PersonCode = A.SalesPersonCode |
362 |
AND ( |
363 |
DATE (B.StartDate) <= DATE ('2018/03/31') |
364 |
AND ( |
365 |
DATE ('2017/08/01') <= DATE (B.CompDate) |
366 |
OR DATE ('0001/01/01') = DATE (B.CompDate) |
367 |
) |
368 |
) |
369 |
Left Join chgchargedep As C |
他の形式にエクスポート: Unified diff