リビジョン 48
ProcessManagement.csproj | ||
87 | 87 |
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88 | 88 |
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89 | 89 |
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90 |
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91 |
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92 |
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93 |
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94 |
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95 |
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96 | 90 |
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97 |
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91 |
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98 | 92 |
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99 | 93 |
<HintPath>..\packages\Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.12.1.2400\lib\net40\Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll</HintPath> |
100 | 94 |
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... | ... | |
214 | 208 |
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215 | 209 |
<DependentUpon>FrmOrderEntryList.cs</DependentUpon> |
216 | 210 |
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211 |
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212 |
<SubType>Form</SubType> |
213 |
</Compile> |
217 | 214 |
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218 | 215 |
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219 | 216 |
<Compile Include="DataModel\PurchaseOrder.cs" /> |
... | ... | |
976 | 973 |
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977 | 974 |
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978 | 975 |
</Compile> |
979 |
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980 | 976 |
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981 | 977 |
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982 | 978 |
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... | ... | |
1306 | 1302 |
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1307 |
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1308 |
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1309 |
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1310 |
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1311 |
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1312 |
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1313 |
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1314 |
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1315 |
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1316 |
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1317 |
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1318 |
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1319 |
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1320 |
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1321 |
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1322 |
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1323 |
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1324 |
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1325 |
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1326 |
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1327 |
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1328 |
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1329 |
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1330 |
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1331 |
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1332 |
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1333 |
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1334 |
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1336 |
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1337 |
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1341 |
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1342 |
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1309 | 1343 |
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1310 | 1344 |
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1311 | 1345 |
Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.Common.targets. |
他の形式にエクスポート: Unified diff